
Emotionally Intelligent Neighbors

For over three decades Mr. Rogers taught Americans how to be good neighbors. Decades before Daniel Goleman wrote “Emotional Intelligence”, Mr. Rogers was teaching viewers about being an emotionally intelligent...


Reflections on Clinical Depression Impact on the Home, Part 2

My previous blog on clinician depression looked at the financial impact depression is having on America.  What is often overlooked, or not discussed, is the impact clinical depression has on...


Connecting with your Child during the Summer

Summer is here! No more lunches to be made or homework to double check—finally a break! This is cause for celebration and yet, summer can also be a time that’s...


Lessons from the Ballpark: Jeter’s Approach to Life

The New York Yankees retired Derrick Jeter’s number, # 2, in 2017. He retired as the Yankees leader in hits, games played, doubles, and stolen bases. As the Yankee’s captain,...

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