I Think I Have OCD.
How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m so OCD!” or maybe “You’re so OCD!”? The term “OCD” is often thrown around in social circles when someone is extremely...

Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally living with awareness in the present moment without judging, rejecting or attaching to that moment. In short, it is the art of continually being...

3 Tips to Minimize Holiday Stress
Crisp air, changing leaves, and seasonal decor is popping up all around. Somehow, the holidays are already upon us. For many, this is a season filled with joy...

Room to Breathe
My grandmother knew she was nearing the conclusion of her story. There was no closet, drawer, or Tupperware dish left unattended. She labeled lamps, saucers & “treasures” with various grandkids...

Reflections on Clinical Depression Impact, Part 1
Aaron Beck, the author of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, described clinical depression as someone having consistent negative thoughts about oneself, the world, and the future. Beck referred to these three negative...

Emotionally Intelligent Neighbors
For over three decades Mr. Rogers taught Americans how to be good neighbors. Decades before Daniel Goleman wrote “Emotional Intelligence”, Mr. Rogers was teaching viewers about being an emotionally intelligent...

Reflections on Clinical Depression Impact on the Home, Part 2
My previous blog on clinician depression looked at the financial impact depression is having on America. What is often overlooked, or not discussed, is the impact clinical depression has on...